bullet Papers (Year 2002 - 2003)

bullet Legislative Programme
bulletAdministration's request for priority scrutiny of bills
bullet Reports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on Bills
bullet Reports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on subsidiary legislation
bullet Reports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on other legislative instruments

bullet Reports/further reports/papers of Legal Service Division on proposed resolutions presented to Council for approval
bullet Position reports on Bills Committees and subcommittees on subsidiary legislation
bullet Reports / papers of Bills Committees
bullet Reports/papers of Subcommittees on subsidiary legislation
bullet Reports/papers of Panels
bullet Papers/reports of Committee on Rules of Procedure
bullet Papers of The Legislative Council Commission
bullet Papers/reports of Parliamentary Liaison Subcommittee
bullet Papers and reports of/relating to other committees
bullet Papers relating to election of Members to advisory bodies

bulletPapers relating to bills
bulletPapers relating to subsidiary legislation/proposed resolutions
bulletPapers relating to cooperation between Guangdong and Hong Kong
bulletPapers relating to Accountability system for Principal Officials
bullet Papers relating to Timing for the Delivery of Policy Address
bulletPapers relating to sustainable development
bulletPapers relating to population policy
bulletPapers relating to work of Team Clean
bullet Members' motions/resolutions
bullet Government motions
If you wish to read the hardcopy of the above document(s), please make an enquiry at the Legislative Council Library